
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Vegan Donuts

As I mentioned in a previous post, Robert and I have now made donuts twice. We use the Pioneer Woman's recipe, and veganize it by subbing flax "eggs" for the two eggs. The recipe makes about two dozen. For Robert's birthday brunch, we doubled it. This was kind of a mistake, since it produced 52 donuts and 62 donut holes, which took up just about every flat surface in my apartment until our friends ate almost half of them.

That said, they are DELICIOUS! Here you can see one frying. I recommend using crisco for frying instead of canola oil. The canola oil makes you cry when it heats up and starts to break down, but with crisco you're okay until you get too much residue in the bottom of the pot. It took 3 batches of oil to fry all of the birthday donuts.
After they're fried, the recipe says to glaze them with a powdered-sugar glaze. We did that the first time, but the second time we dredged about half of them in cinnamon sugar and glazed the rest. Both options were delicious, but we preferred the cinnamon sugar ones. Here you can see Robert glazing a donut hole:
I heartily recommend this recipe. It is kind of a big production, but it is not difficult. Just make sure you have lots of friends coming over to help you enjoy them!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The last CMS/Colloquium of the year

The last colloquium of the year was April 21st, if memory serves. This is where the second pink sock was at that time. Since then, many things have happened, including finals, finals grading, a camping trip, two rounds of homemade donuts (pictures to come), and a round of qualifying exams. Given all of that, I have not put much time into the pink socks. Instead, I've been working on my green lace shawl (it's almost finished!!) and a super-secret embroidery project which is intended as a gift.

Since CMS and colloquium are on hiatus for the summer, so are the weekly project status updates. But I will make an effort to post more UFOs and some status updates of various projects. Also, we're moving this coming weekend, so there might be some pictures about that once we get all settled in to our lovely new apartment (with a gourmet kitchen and washer/dryer!)